
News (11)

It is important to us that you receive the Latest News when it becomes available. Our Latest News is also linked to our Facebook page to ensure our members are the first to receive the Latest News.

Children's Guardian Act 2019

Have you made the time to learn about the Children's Guardian Act 2019? Are you aware of the changes from the NSW Ombudsman Act to this new Act? There are many new resources and training available. We also include some of these in our Child Protection Update 2023 professional development training. More information can be found HERE

Child Protection Training Requirements

It has come to our attention that some RTO's are stating that Nominated Supervisors and day to day staff in charge must have the current CHCPRT001 or CHCPRT002 Statement of Attainment. This information is incorrect, any of the services who have been completing the annual updates we provide are abiding with the education and care law. We have copied the letter we received from the Department of Education when we…

Guide to the National Quality Framework

Looking for the new Guide to the National Quality Framework? You can click here to download from ACECQA. This can be bought through ACECQA for $100. If you download this we suggest you save it rather than printing it due to its size.

**NEW Child Protection Resources

Children's Guardian and NSW Family and Community Services have both released their own resources to assist educators and mandatory reporters in keeping children safe. The Children's Guardian has the Safe Series SAFE books and workshops. Please click here to access these and many more valuable resources and information. NSW Family and Community Services has the 'See, understand and respond to child sexual abuse practical kit', you can access the site…

2017 NQF Changes

New changes are to occur in relation to the Education and Care National Regulations and National Quality Standard. Click on ACECQA to read the details.

ChildStory Partner NSW

ChildStory Partner NSW is connected to ChildStory. This website continues to expand as new structures and resources are implemented from DCJ. 

Mandatory Reporter Number (NSW)

132111 The Mandatory Reporter Number is now the same as the community number 132111. Mandatory reporters will know that in all previous training they were advised to use a specific number 132627 or 13DOCS. This has now been amended and regardless of you being a member of the community or a mandatory reporter the number to use is 132111.

MRG & eReporting through Child Story

Family and Community Services have introduced a new place where the Mandatory Reporter Guide (MRG) with the eRporting tool can be found. If you currently go to the Keep Them Safe site it will redirect you to reporter.childstory. The advantage of this new site is after you have completed the MRG the outcome if not 'Immediate Report' will allow you, if you choose, to click onto the eReporting tool to…

What's happening?

Well we hope you have all noticed that we have been trying to get your attention. Why? Well we've gots lots of exciting news to share.

Work, Health and Safety

In January 2012 we officially moved from OH&S to WH&S, the difference being from Occupational Health & Safety to Work Health & Safety and a whole lot more. This the official Australian site for WHS Safe Work Australia

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