Donna Field

Donna Field

Donna Field has been working in the children's services industry for over 20 years. Donna has worked in many service types for both local government and community-based managing small mobile preschools, long day care services and OOSH services with a specialty for managing budgets. Currently, Donna shares her time teaching at TAFE and delivering mobile training.

Donna started with an Associate Diploma in Social Science (child studies) many years later completing her Bachelor of Education (EC) at University of New England and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (including LLN). Donna has continued to keep up to date through ongoing professional development as well as training including contract work under North Sydney TAFE for Premier and Cabinet of the NSW Governments Keep Them Safe five year project. Donna facilitated many of the initial information sessions in 2009 and continued in 2010 to deliver the Early Childhood and Non-Government sessions.

Donna specialises in teaching child protection and partnerships with families along with managing and supported OOSH Diploma students through their units. Donna also managed groups such as Diploma flexible delivery, Diploma trainees, and Certificate 3 on the job trainees. Donna advocates for students who have worked in the industry as quality educators by assessing for recognition of prior learning (RPL). This has also involved completing assessment in group Recognition of Prior learning.

Donna has written and reviewed TAFE CHC08 and CHC113 Community Services (Children's Services) Training Package learner guides and learner resource material specifically for OTEN TAFE and was the winner of a Teacher in Excellence award for TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute- Staff recognition awards in 2008 and again in 2014.

Donna strongly believes in equity for all students and strives to ensure all her students receive support to allow them to complete their studies in a positive and encouraging environment. Donna is one of the Director's of Because it Matters P/L.

Website URL: http://

Sometimes it is hard to find the information you are looking for. We have provided some links to various websites that link to Quality Area 3.


2hrs This comprehensive training provides participants with the knowledge of the role of the responsible person in an education and care environment.

Information covered includes;

  • legislative requirements
  • what is a responsible person
  • who can be a responsible person
  • criteria for choosing a responsible person
  • new terminology (person in day to day charge)
  • reporting requirements
  • responsibilities
  • team communication and more.

Contact us today to find out if this course is suitable for you and your team.

All participants receive a certificate of participation.


It has come to our attention that some RTO's are stating that Nominated Supervisors and day to day staff in charge must have the current CHCPRT001 or CHCPRT002 Statement of Attainment. This information is incorrect, any of the services who have been completing the annual updates we provide are abiding with the education and care law. We have copied the letter we received from the Department of Education when we noticed the change on their updated website. We were unsure ourselves which is why we went to the source. This is something we always pride ourselves in advising you to do when you are unsure of something.

Dear Donna, 

Thank you for your email to Early Childhood Education at the NSW Department of Education.

 Under National Regulation clause 84, the Nominated Supervisor and all staff are to be aware of the existence of and their obligations under child protection law.

 Under National Law section 162A, the approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that each nominated supervisor and each person in day-to-day charge of the service has successfully completed the child protection training (if any) required by or under the law of this jurisdiction, a Government protocol applying to the approved provider in this jurisdiction or otherwise required by this jurisdiction.

 he following units of competencies are approved. Current approved units are offered by registered training organisations:




CHCPRT001 - Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

CHCCHILD401A - Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

CHCCHILD401B - Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

CHCPT0002 - Support the rights and safety of children and young people

CHCCHILD404A- Support the rights and safety of children and young people , CHCCHILD404B- Support the rights and safety of children and young people


Previous approved child protection qualifications 

  • CHCCHILD1B or CHCCHILD1C - Identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm – delivered by a TAFE or other RTO
  • CHCCHILD2 support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements (TAFE NSW only)
  • CHCCHILD2A support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements – delivered by a TAFE or other RTO
  • Identify and respond to children and young people at risk (3294G identify and respond to risk of harm) – delivered by TAFE NSW only
  • Identify and respond to children and young people at risk (combination of 3290K legislative and ethical requirements and 3292P child protection) – delivered by TAFE NSW only

 In addition, the Making a difference child protection qualification (delivered by various providers) is recognised as approved only if the person who completed it did so before 1 October 2004 and the person was an authorised supervisor under the Children's Services Regulation at the time.

 A person who has already completed one of the approved courses in child protection listed above is not required to update their training. However, holders of previously approved child protection qualifications are encouraged to update their knowledge with current child protection requirements. It is an ongoing requirement to maintain awareness of child protection responsibilities. While there are no mandatory ‘expiry date’ on child protection training courses or issued certificates, nominated supervisors and any person with day-to-day charge should participate in child protection refreshers every 12 – 24 months, and whenever significant changes are made to the child protection law or reporting requirements. This is regardless of whether a person has completed a superseded or previous approved course.

Regular refreshers ensure that they are aware of the current child protection law and understand their obligations under that law (R84 Education and Care Services National Regulations).

We hope this information has been of assistance to you. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Information and Enquiries team.


Information and Enquiries Team l Early Childhood Education Directorate

Locked Bag 5107, PARRAMATTA NSW 2124

T: 1800 619 113 I F: 02 8633 1810 l E: I W:




Looking for the new Guide to the National Quality Framework? You can click here to download from ACECQA. This can be bought through ACECQA for $100. If you download this we suggest you save it rather than printing it due to its size.


Understanding the Work Health and Safety Act- A Practical Guide was developed by WorkCover when the work, health and safety laws changed. Although we now review our work, health and safety under SAFEWORK NSW, Because it Matters has noticed in recent training that there are still many educators who have little understanding of the Persons Conducting a Business Undertaking (PCBU) and thought this Practical Guide might assist with this. Another guide from SAFEWORK is also available in their Guide to the WHS Act here. Everyone has a responsibility to ensure that, they and everyone with them is in a safe environment. PCBU is explained here


Children's Guardian and NSW Family and Community Services have both released their own resources to assist educators and mandatory reporters in keeping children safe. The Children's Guardian has the Safe Series SAFE books and workshops. Please click here to access these and many more valuable resources and information. NSW Family and Community Services has the 'See, understand and respond to child sexual abuse practical kit', you can access the site by clicking here.



Because it Matters is working with Health & Safety Advisory Service Pty/Ltd  RTO# 91141 to offer the:

  • CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
  • CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

If you are considering gaining your qualification or updating your qualification through a Traineeship, consider us to provide this to you.

  • Personalised support for the duration of the traineeship (we offer, out of the 9-5 time slot support)
  • Regular workplace visits to assist trainees in meeting assessment requirements 
  • Self paced training materials in booklet format or online to reflect industry best practice
  • Hard copy Folder or Online (its your choice)
  • Experienced trainers/assessors with excellence awards for Teaching

Statement of Attainment (SoA) for qualification within the Certificate III & Diploma of education and care through the Health & Safety Advisory Service P/L RTO #91141. Contact us now for more information

CHCPRT025 Identify and report children and young people at risk 

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support and protect children and young people who are at risk of harm. This work occurs within legislative and policy frameworks and carries a duty of care responsibility. This is the most current qualification regarding Child Protection for educators and staff working on education and care services and community services. This training is focused on educators in NSW.

This is delivered in a variety of ways such as:

1. One day(8hr) for those already completed an earlier Statement of Attainment such as CHCPRT025 (Available for groups of 10 or more) Cost $200 pp

2. Two days (16 hrs) for those who have not completed the Statement of Attainment before. (Available for groups of 10 or more) Cost $240 pp

Online (your pace) Sometimes getting to attend a Face to Face training is difficult this is when online learning can support you. Online Cost $200 

3. Specific to your sector- we will modify the teaching to the ages you work with

You will be required to successfully complete a written assessment task as part of gaining your Statement of Attainment.

You must work or volunteer in a community services organisation to complete the course workplace component.

You must have a current WWCC.



New changes are to occur in relation to the Education and Care National Regulations and National Quality Standard. Click on ACECQA to read the details.


Read the latest news from ACECQA of the changes that are to occur to the National Quality Framework (NQF). Changes to regulations and standards will occur from this year.

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