Expert Tutors

Expert Tutors (2)

Our Tutors are qualified friendly teachers who already specialise in the field of Education and Care. Our Tutors are available to help you with an assessment, get you past a sticking point in your work or just help you gain a clearer understanding of a particular unit of study so you don't get left behind.

Louise Holz

Louise has been working in the early childhood industry for 20 years, firstly as an Early Childhood Teacher and then a Director, both teaching and non-teaching. She has experience in private and community-based services across all service types and has extensive experience in all facets of managing large and small services.


Donna Field

Donna Field has been working in the children's services industry for over 20 years. Donna has worked in many service types for both local government and community-based managing small mobile preschools, long day care services and OOSH services with a specialty for managing budgets. Currently Donna shares her time teaching at TAFE and delivering mobile training.

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