Personal Tutor Service
FeaturedWhy do you need a tutor?
Whether you have paid for your child care course up front, via instalments, through smart and skilled or vet fee help don't let this be for nothing. We can help you to understand your assignments, putting your recognition of prior learning together or helping you to be organised for work placement. If it relates to child care, early childhood or OOSH we can help.
Did you know that according to the NSW Government Department of Education and Training site that even if you do not get a job earning over $45,881 a year you will still have a dept that with interest will increase each year? Check this link to see how much you might end up paying. Let us help you in being successful! There is a predicted increasing need for educators for the next 4 years Job Outlook advises, make sure you are one of these employed educators.
What's on offer?
Our Tutors are qualified friendly teachers who already specialise in the field of Education and Care. Our Tutors are available to help you with an assessment, get you past a sticking point in your work or just help you gain a clearer understanding of a particular unit of study so you don't get left behind.
Tell us what would work best for you!
Face to face?
$70.00 per hour during business hours
- One-Tutor-to-one-student (you); or
- One-Tutor-to-up-to-4 students to help share the cost
*If you're already working in the industry as an Educator, ask us if we can come to you?
Online tutoring?
- One Tutor to one student (you); or
- One Tutor to two students (friends) to share the cost
*Phone and email support 7 days a week - dependent on the tutor plan purchased.
Want to know more about how we can help you?
Why not send us an email today