Our Services

Our Services (3)

We provide a range of tailored and individualised services to the Children's Education and Care Services. From Training, Mobile Onsite Training through to Consultancy, Policy Development and Review, Auditing and individual needs analysis, the team at Because it Matters is more than able to meet your diverse needs.

Personal Tutor Service Featured

Personal Tutor Service

Why do you need a tutor? Whether you have paid for your child care course up front, via instalments, through smart and skilled or vet fee help don't let this be for nothing. We can help you to understand your assignments, putting your recognition of prior learning together or helping you to be organised for work placement. If it relates to child care, early childhood or OOSH we can help.…

Policy Development

We tailor policies to meet your services individual procedures. Our policy review and development enable services to meet legislative requirements including linkage of policies to the National Quality Framework, Early Years Learning Framework and My Time, Our Place. Are you looking for a professional polished policy manual that will cover all legislative requirements and more. We will contact you personally to discuss your needs and ensure the end product complies…


Need something more than just training? Our personalised consultancy service may be what you need. We have the knowledge and experience to provide you with an individualised service that includes the following: Audit - Service audit including Staff, Environment, Resources, Work Health and Safety, Health and Hygiene. Are you needing some help to improve your Quality and Assessment rating? We have assisted many services such as Family Day Care, Preschools,…

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